Programs for:
aspiring entrepreneurs
creative professionals
university students
You don’t need to lose everything in order to find yourself.
Ever feel like time is flying by and you still don’t know what you should be doing with your life?
I felt like that for a long time.
Growing up in an increasingly comparative world, with the pressure of cultural and societal expectations, it can be hard to tell the difference between what you want and what you think you should want.
What if there is a way to be so sure of yourself that any decision you make feels right to you?

Learn About Amanda’s Program
the unexpected value of abandoning the plan
Available as a keynote or workshop
We all have a passion we want to explore. But with so many cultural factors and societal expectations, it can be hard to separate what we want and who we are from what others want and expect from us. So we tend to give up what we really want and pursue a plan that isn’t ours. In the ambitious pursuit of success, we lose ourselves. But no one should have to hide themselves in order to please others. In this program, you’ll learn how to find yourself before it’s too late.
Miss Amanda Chen is a burned out entrepreneur turned speaker for students and Gen Z entrepreneurs. When she realized that her goals were not her own, she walked away from her company at the peak of success. With nothing left to lose she discovered the true power in abandoning the plan and opening up to unexpected opportunities. Now she speaks about a healthy approach to reaching your goals that is rooted in cultivating self-worth.
Amanda is the founder of Salty Paloma, and currently teaching entrepreneurship at George Brown College in Toronto, CA.
award winning speech:
the chase for freedom
I didn't aspire all my life to be the Queen of Salt.
No one could tell me that one day I would dominate the world of flavoured salts and sugar garnishes for cocktails and work with some of the most luxurious alcohol brands.
I built Salty Paloma in 2018 with zero understanding of business, operations and product development. I went door-to-door selling my products, working at 3 bars, plus a 9-5, all to prove that I had what it took to be successful.
But then, something broke.
I realized that in order to achieve that level of success, I had been hiding my true self. I was following a plan that had been given to me - by cultural and societal expectations. And I couldn’t do it anymore.
So at the height of my success, I walked away.
Today I run a new company that’s actually aligned with who I am, and it all started with abandoning the plan.
As both a college professor and a professional speaker, it’s my mission to teach aspiring entrepreneurs, creative professionals, and students about a healthy approach to entrepreneurship.

yvonne langen
Amanda provides great structure for entrepreneurs looking to take their business to the next level. She is a great listener and helps you to define and focus on your purpose, and clearly articulate your unique value proposition.

Christina Underhill
Amanda is not only an inspiration herself, but also she is able to take those skills and help you find them within yourself as well. She helped me find the confidence to take space and put together an actual plan on how to move forward. Genuinely so grateful for these sessions and the seeds they planted.

Working with Amanda has given me so many valuable tools to set myself up for daily, weekly, and long-term success. By helping me to harness my strengths while also identifying areas for improvement, I felt more focused on my goals, and have a renewed excitement for facing and overcoming challenges.